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How can I launch eye calibration?

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I believe you calibrate the headset in the SteamVR menu, not in UE.  Press the systems menu button below the trackpad to open the SteamVR menu.  Then select the VIVE Pro Eye button in the lower part and select calibrate.  This should run you through the calibration process where you follow the little blue dot with your eye.  Hope that helps.

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Oh, I mean inner game eye calibration. I found it.

"SRanipalEye_Core.h" has 'int LaunchEyeCalibration_(void *)' and wrapped it with 'LaunchEyeCalibration()' I made. And I added this function to header and cpp source. In ordere to call it from blue print you should add it 'SRanipalEye_FunctionLibrary.h' and 'SRanipalEye_FunctionLibrary.cpp' located under "..\Plugins\SRanipal\Source\SRanipalEye\private" and ""..\Plugins\SRanipal\Source\SRanipalEye\public" folders.

Now when I call it from bluePrint I can calibrate my eye position in other seperate inner window from application. That's it.

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