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I would like to know the difference between steamvr and viveinput input system.


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As I recently purchased vive cosmos, I learned about viveport and viveinput, but I am thinking about which platform to start on because I do not know exactly the difference or strengths and weaknesses between steamvr and viveinput before starting Unity development. Can you give me a link or information for reference?

@Tony PH Lin @chengnay

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@jeonsanghyun Sorry for the late response.

I will recommend to use Vive Input Utility(VIU) if you are thinking of cross platform(OpenVR <- -> Oculus or PC <- -> Android) development.

You are required to import SteamVR Unity Plugin for development even if you use VIU.

For Viveport and Steam, you might need to read the revenues or related stuff from their websites.

But, I found this online, hope this helps.

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