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SDK_v1.3.0.9 documentation

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I noticed the new version of the SDK for Unreal is pretty different from the previous version. Other than the header/module changes, the SRanipal_Eye_Framework is no longer an actor, there are blueprints to start/stop the framework and also options in the Plugin Preferences to automatically start the Framework.

The documentation that comes with the download describes the setup process for and Am I missing something or are these documents just out of date?


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Both documents in the SDK_v1.3.0.9\03_Unreal\Document\Eye folder ("Document_Unreal.html" and "Getting Started with SRanipal in Unreal Eye.pdf") include the same description to get started. I've attached a picture of this section from the pdf.


The issue is there is no actor named "SRanipal_Eye_Framework" located at "SRanipal C++ Classes/SRanipal/Public" when the plugin is installed in the Unreal Engine. There is no public directory in the SRanipal directory, nor is there a Eye Framework actor in the SRanipalEye directory. There are other differences between the plugin and the documentation I've noted in my original post.


Also, as jdevoldere mentioned, a changelog would be nice.

Thanks @Tony PH Lin

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