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Foot tracking is coming


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I didn't know about this, maybe you did, but this to me is the missing link in VR. forget your treadmills, teleporting, thumbsticks and touch pads (all Ts? LOL).


I realised while playing Onwards that walking on the spot got rid of motion sickness. Ever since then when the locomotion debate pops up on social media I've been trying to promote the idea that a foot tracking simple solution is all that's needed. If you combine it with Lighthouse tracking and pressure sensors you wear like a sock you can have kicking and walking in VR. Streetfighther corridor kungfu scrollers here we come. Vive is going to rock. And I'm going to get fit again. Want to run -- then you'll have to run! Gamers will all be athletes by 2020!


I have no involvement with these guys, but they independently came up with the same idea. I will be a customer for sure!

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I agree i will be running with those on when doing Fall out 4 and other games.  This is going to be better than the tredmills, and I hope it is going to be affordable.  I think that is a wonderfull invention.  I am not sure about the wings but they are pretty cool.  I guess I can be like Hermes lol.

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I cant quite see how the 3d rudder would work. In games I play sested on a 360 rotating office chair. So you'd leave the rudder behind. If it sticks to your feet... how do you rotate the chair? Or do they expect you to sit looking ahead like in a fighter and use joypad to move the vehicle?

I think maybe its just the games I'm playing work differently. Thinking about it one of the Gear VR games works more like a flight sim than something you steer by looking. Guess it will depend kn the game how useful it is. The key think for me... the controllers have erm... controls on them. So sitting facing forwards you can even play with a Xbox controller like the rift does.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The one thing to remember about the Vive tracker is it isn't self powered, is it? So not only would you need something to strap it to each leg. But you'd need a battery on each leg too. Not saying it can't be done.. but it won't be as simple as attaching a tracker to your shoelace.


Just imagine the looks you'll get when someone knocks on your door while you are in VR in the future. You'll answer the door all sweaty with things on your ankles that look like police ankle monitors. I imagine more then a few will scream and run away. The future is going to be so fun and different. 

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I thought I saw a picture of the tracker where it looked like the round end of a Vive hand controller, so I just assumed there was a rechargeable battery inside. No?



Yep. The Tracker is rechargeable, similar to the controllers.

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