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Random black lines in headset?


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So we've had our vive for about a month now. And when we set it up it worked perfectly. But after a couple weeks we noticed that when you're in the vive menu (the one where you can switch between games/steam/desktop/etc) in the headset there will be random black flickering lines. Not the whole screen, like it's skipping frames or anything. But black, horizontal lines (some just a few pixels thick, some thicker) that go partway across the screen. Sometimes it's only in one eye, sometimes both. Sometimes it's just once for a second and sometimes it's constant for a few minutes.

Since it was only in the menu we didn't worry too much about it but now we've noticed it in games as well. We've tried different hdmi cables, resetting the computer, resetting the headset, nothing seems to help, and I haven't noticed anybody asking about this specifically. Did we get a bad headset that's been getting worse, or is this a frame rate problem i'm not familiar with?

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Hi there; it doesn't sound like a frame rate issue if they're specifically lines.


Have you made any changes to your hardware setup recently? New graphics card? Updated drivers? Do you see the same lines in Windows, or in other (non-VR) games?


It could be a hardware issue, of course. If you think nothing else has changed, I'd suggest contacting Customer Care (if you're in the US, the link's in my sig). They should be able to take you through some troubleshooting steps and advise on a return if needed. 

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