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Hand tracking SDK suitability for inexperienced users

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A possible new commercial project will involve non tech-savvy workers to use a VR application.

To smooth as much as possible their experience I was thinking to switch from controllers to hand tracking, so to avoid needing to train and support them around the controllers eight interfaces usage scenarios. Will be anyway provided with an initial tutorial.

They will be allowed to:

- "touch" objects (i.e. door, safety equipment, just being nearby with the hand)

- pick up / release / move / rotate them (grip+move / grip+rotate / release)

- activate switches (grip movement)

- rotate handles (grip+rotate)

Based on your experience and current SDK features status wanted to ask if hand tracking can be really beneficial for people whose work does not involve the usage of digital tech, or in fact will be as complex as use the controllers, or even worse.

Also being currently in beta status wanted to know if a commercial usage is allowed and will receive any support except the (really good) forum based one.

Edited by davide445
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Hi @davide445

Since all your actions are quite similar to natural input, I think hand tracking is easier to learn than controllers, especially for non-gamers.

The SDK is in beta status because we think there are still much room for performance improvedment, but feel free to use it in your commercial projects.

As for the support, forum is the only public support for hand tracking currently. But if you already have Vive commercial support, you can raise your questions there and they will loop us to answer the questions for you.

@VibrantNebula, can you please help to comment about the commercial support?

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