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SRanipal with UE4

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Hi @AnanyaSairaj can you elaborate a bit more on what you need to do with the time stamped data. And what exactly do you mean with the term characters? Do you mean the Actors in your Unreal Scene?

If you want to use SRanipal in your own UE4 project then you will need to copy and paste the SRanipal Plugin(found in SRanipal_SDK_1.1.0.1\03_Unreal\Vive-SRanipal-Unreal-Plugin\Plugins) in your Project's Plugin folder or create a new Plugins folder inside your project folder structure and paste it there. You can also find a document inside the SDK you downloaded called "Getting Started with SRanipal in Unreal Eye" that has more information.

At the moment, you can use different functions to get features such as pupil position/diameter, Eye openness, Gaze Ray, Focus object, Eye Blendshape morphs,etc.

If you want to learn more thingd about Eye Tracking with SRanipal SDK you can also register for our webinar here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3864979489729227788

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