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Chirp wvr_Api Unity Error


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This Error comes when pressing play. It has come from using the Chirp left and right prefabs included in the WAVE 3 SDK. 

Interop.WVR_GetParameters(type, ptrParameterName, ptrResult, resultVertLength);
This specific line is giving the error and I am not sure how to fix this. Any help would be great!

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Hi  ,


We don't suggest to use Chirp prefab directly, suggest to use ControllerLoader instead.

If you'd like to use Chirp prefab and fix manually, you can put the following code into WaveVR_AdaptiveControllerActions.cs  which located in Assets\WaveVR\Scripts\ControllerModel.


+#if UNITY_EDITOR++        isTouchPadSetting = false;++#else        isTouchPadSetting = GetTouchPadParam();++#endif


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The reason I use the chirp prefab instead of the controllerloader is due to the issue with adding pieces to the controllers once it has been loaded. I was unable to find any documenation on how to add gameobjects or functionality to the controler loader prefabs. 

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