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Which Viewer Type should be selected if deploying to the Vive Focus? Android Manifest


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I am trying to edit the android manifest according to the instructions found here:




I found this section:


"If your mobile VR content supports a specific viewer SDK, you may select from the following options (leave blank if your app uses only the Google Cardboard SDK):

  1.  Mojing 暴風魔鏡
  2. Deepoon 大朋看看
  3. Huawei VR"

Which headset do I choose if I am deploying an app to the Vive Focus, or does it even matter?

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Hi, another developer here,

What I found is you can only choose from 1 of  3 runtimes when you submit your app,

I personally feel they should focus on wave platform and fade-out other runtimes to reduce the complexity for developers.

and I really doubt if you don't submit WAVE, does it appear on the viveport on vive focus?



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