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Left-Hand Controller does not appear to work in ControllerManager Sample Scene in HTC.UnityPlugin


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Tony, FYI: I wrote a long post, which I edited several times for the sake of accuracy and clarity. The post was deleted after I edited the post about 10 times. I will have to write the post again below. I then reposted a similar and it was marked spam.


This is a strange feature of this forum, not found on other forums, which makes it difficult to edit posts.

ControllerManager_Test is not the scene I am referring to. I am referring to ControllerManagerSample scene found in the sample scenes in the Input Utility Plugin version 1.10.3. It is the latest Input Utility Plugin. That scene contains useful template code that I used in my app. The code I am referring to allowed a user of an app with that scene to teleport around using the touchpad controller. If a user pressed the touchpad controller a bream would shoot out, arch, and then eventually land on the ground indicating a teleport location. Releasing the controller would teleport the user to that location. Also, the code provided for a laser beam which would shoot out when the user pressed the app/menu button. In the version 1.10.2 of the Input Utility Plugin this functionality worked no matter which dominant hand the user selected in their Vive Focus handedness settings. 


When the plugin is updated to 1.20.2 and the user selects the "left hand" as their dominant hand in the Vive Focus settings and the user tries to play an app with the ControllerManagerSample scene the teleport and laser functionality does not work.

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I meant to write in the earlier post:


When the plugin is updated to 1.10.3 and the user selects the "left hand" as their dominant hand in the Vive Focus settings and the user tries to play an app with the ControllerManagerSample scene the teleport and laser functionality does not work.


I did not intend to write 1.20.2, but I could not fix the post without that change, and other changes being removed.

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I also meant to write: "Releasing the touchpad button on controller would teleport the user to that location."


Not: "Releasing the controller would teleport the user to that location."


I was afraid to edit my post again for fear of it being deleted...again.

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I have just updated to ViveInputUtil 1.10.3 because previous version failed to buzz the haptics consistently.


In an empty Unity 2018.3.8 project, I add the OpenVR package with the package manager. Then import custom packages for the latest SteamVR plugin for Unity ( 1.2.3 )(SDK 1.0.12), then import VIU 1.10.3.


If I run the first example scene, tutorial, with 1 tracker and 1 controller powered up and paired to SteamVR, then it connects a controller to the right hand and the tracker to the left hand. The tracker uses the correct model rotated at the wrong angle. Nothing is connected to the tracker role in the ViveCameraRig.


When might we get a version of the VIU that correctly identifies trackers?

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 Thanks for reporting this issue. Could you create a new thread in VIU forum? This forum is mainly for WaveVR SDK issues.

One quick fix to this issue, you can simply by editing the VivePoseTracker by adding rotation in X direction.

We will find out the root cause and fix this issue ASAP.

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