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Any method to recenter WITHOUT also resetting yaw and pitch ?


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WVR_InAppRecenter seems to not have an option to just recenter your position and facing direction.

They all include the Pitch and/or  Yaw which means unless you hold your head perfectly straight, after recentering our virtual floor is at a very uncomfortable angle.


WVR_RecenterType_Disabled doesn't seem to do anything at all

WVR_RecenterType_RotationAndPosition Does all rotations.


I'd like to recenter but  keep my virtual floor still parallel to the real one.

so an option that does not include yaw or Pitch , just Heading and position would be what we actually want.

Any way of doing this now?

Or could there be another WVR_RecenterType added in a future SDK version?

Ideally,  the recentre type should be a set of flags for Position, and X,Y, Z rotation so we can properly choose what we want to reset.


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