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Viveport Crashes On Launch Now


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After purchasing a dozen games yesterday night during the sale I tried launching viveport to play them and now it doesn't launch, just crashes.


* Tried turning of virus protection and the usual fixes. 

* Uninstalled and re-installed 

* Vive tab no longer shows up in steamvr overlay. 

* Immediately after opening it gives a crash report and asks that I submit it. 


After purchasing a dozen games yesterday night during the sale I tried launching viveport to play them and now it doesn't launch, just crashes.


* Tried turning of virus protection and the usual fixes. 

* Uninstalled and re-installed 

* Vive tab no longer shows up in steamvr overlay. 

* Immediately after opening it gives a crash report and asks that I submit it. 


Here is a pastebin of the error log from the directory it states is causing the error. 


Have tried everything. Can't access any of my subscription games or the ones I bought on sale. 


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The debug reporter doesn't open a ticket for you, it feeds info about the crash to a reporting tool so some dude can go "ohh 100 000 new crashes for that error" on mondays. The email is for if you have a particularly interesting error that they need more information to figure out. 


Also crashing for me.

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, The "report feature" tool within Viveport can actually generate a support ticket - the endpoint of the report is context based but it typically uploads logs to a sever and creates an instance in the ticketing system in parallel. 


 - I've replied to your PM and have instructed the team that handles these reports to inform them that you haven't been able to get our replies. 

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 You can't use the "report tool" within Viveport when it crashes upon startup. 


Or are you telling me this bugsplat reporter generates tickets? Because then I probably have 150 tickets you guys should have answered a week ago.

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