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Vive wireless adapter disconnects after a few minutes.


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Just an update. This fix I posted has almost completely solved my disconnects. I've played about 40 hours of VR since my original post. In that time I've had maybe 3-4 disconnects. FAR better than before, where I would regularly get disconnects every 20 -30 min or even worse. I recommend periodically checking the device manager, after a couple disconnects I found that the devices on the card were set to save power again! Once I disabled power saving again the disconnects are very rare. In 40 hours I've had maybe 4 disconnects, and I attribute most of them to signal loss due to the placement of my PCI-E card antenna. Hope this helps. Happy gaming!

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  • 2 months later...

Does anyone see the same problem happening with the pro 2 headset? I had the original pro and never experienced any issue before, but after upgrading to pro 2, it will constantly disconnect, and 80% of its connected time, display is usually very laggy, when move around I can even see light flicker or large pixelated blocks. 

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1 hour ago, altair0319 said:

Does anyone see the same problem happening with the pro 2 headset? I had the original pro and never experienced any issue before, but after upgrading to pro 2, it will constantly disconnect, and 80% of its connected time, display is usually very laggy, when move around I can even see light flicker or large pixelated blocks. 

Honestly, what fixed my issue was making sure it was well lit in the room and that my wireless sensor was higher on the wall to make sure it sees the headset. That's what fixed my issue. 

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I work at an arcade that is using 8 vive wireless setups and one of our headsets started recently having this problem. I have done the following in an attempt to diagnose the issue

Tried every fix in the above thread.

Swapped our wireless unit onto another headset, and tested with a different setup. Still running into the issue. 

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23 hours ago, ZachLaw said:

I work at an arcade that is using 8 vive wireless setups and one of our headsets started recently having this problem. I have done the following in an attempt to diagnose the issue

Tried every fix in the above thread.

Swapped our wireless unit onto another headset, and tested with a different setup. Still running into the issue. 

have you tried swap out the short all in one cable to check if it is the cable causing the symptom?

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19 hours ago, C.T. said:

have you tried swap out the short all in one cable to check if it is the cable causing the symptom?

Yes, we have tried each cable with a USB cable tester and have seen no issues.

The headset will cut out as if it was disconnected from the battery pack, then it will come back online within 1-2 minutes, however it usually results in the software being completely frozen once the headset boots back up. We have tested different cables and battery packs. This is a relatively new issue and has only been happening in the last month or so.

Edited by ZachLaw
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  • 2 months later...

I start using a new Vive wireless adapter with my Vive Pro 2 and it also disconnects after around 5 minutes I tried every option @Bon summed up in his post. Unfortunately nothing works. I also placed a fan on top of the adapter to see if this is a heating issue. Sometimes I think is has some effect, but the adapter keeps resetting. ( HMD goes black and I hear the USB disconnect sound, followed by the USB connect sound) I so think heat is a variable because the adapter runs good for 5 minutes and after that it's getting worse and worse. It this point is keeps resetting as soon as the display lit up again.

I installed my 'old' Vive Pro 1 and this gives me the blue screen problem. After three days messing with this I am good old tethered again. Crap... will try HTC support next monday...

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