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We are developing private applications for an enterprise customer and do not want to place the app out on the public viveport store. Since January 2017 there has been talk of an Enterprise Dedicated App Store for scenarios like this. We need to deploy to ~30 Vive Focus headsets and I would like to know what the prescriptive guidance is for this scenario. Looking for capabilities akin to Google Play Private Apps.


We looked into device management thinking that would allow us the ability to deploy from a central host to 1-N clients on the same network (as would be the case with a corporate intranet) but that appears to only allow you to deploy STEAMVR and not custom applications. THoughts?

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I am working in a company with the same business plan and contacted HTC for a year straight with this issue and did not get any clues on how and when such a feature would be accessible.


Please let me know if you know anything about this.

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