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Vive Pro controllers don't stop charging


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Same here.


I have vive pro since only a week. I did the firmware update on the first use, so could not confirm that LEDs status was correct before update. But so... charge don't turn orange light to white, no matter how long controllers are plugged in. Unplugging/replugging resume to orange light. Only way to get the white light is to turn on, then turn off controllers WHILE plugged. If unplugged/replugged after leds were white, charging status resume with orange lights.


Good to hear that batteries are not over charging though. I was starting to really worry about that.


Also waiting for an update to fix the BS sleep... drive me nuts to have to unplug every time, or have a constant buzzing noise around (not counting the waste of power/BS extra wear out).


Please HTC, address those issues asap! It is looking pretty bad to leave users for 5 months without fix, especially for a "pro" device of that price!

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“Quite awhile”? How long is that? Years? Decades?


It’s embarrassing that you, guys, release a flawed product that costs as much as a decent computer, but in reality is a glorified computer display with a mouse, yet are so incompetent as to fix what is a trivial, but exceedingly annoying, issue, for at least half a year now... ☹️


I feel that that by the time you finally get around to fixing it - there already will be other, much better VR sets, and they will not be HTC. In fact, there already is at least the Pimax...

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Just recieved The Vive Pro a couple days ago.  All updates installed.  Controllers stay orange when charging.  If I unplug and replug they do go to white.  I have been able to get the base stations to go to standby using the blue tooth connection.  You cant tell by the status light on the base station but you can tell they are not spinning by feeling them.

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Hello all,

I just sent out an internal email about this. I totally understand how frustrating this bug can be, especially if you're doing public demos.


I want to use this post to restate that if you unplug the controller, and replug it back in - it should flip from orange to the correct white charge state if the battery is fully charged. I know it's not ideal but it is a way to get the LED to report the correct charge state if you absolutely need to know. 

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