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vive constantly updates


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen this issue a few times - if you check the firmware version you'll see that the updates don't impact the version status. 

In my personal experince it seems to often be related to USB driver incompatibilities. I've seen it resolved in two similar cases with a  PCI-E USB 3.0 card. That said, each case is unique. It's safe to ignore the update requests. 

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  • 2 years later...

It may be safe to ignore, but the issue is in fact an issue that can be fixed with proper development.  if Customers pay close to 2000 for a system and the competition is closer to 500...  one could assume a few things.   

I have the same issue and it is very frustrating.  I have certifications in computer networking and repair with heavy background in troubleshooting, have fixed several hundred machines by now and cant fix this.  Vive can do better than this... they have a reputation to keep if they want to keep charging these prices. 

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