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Headset tracking issue with Unity- Camera doesn't go up & down


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We would need more info that that - try to debug exactly where the head is moving by looking at the transform.


Are you using just Unity or also another plugin? (like HTC's Vive Input Utility - try that if you're stuck, just drop a ViveRig into your scene)


What is in your scene? Are you parenting the camera? where are your controllers?



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Actually it is an outdoor scene which is built with steamVR and Unity. I used vivetelepoter package for teleportation. Using the camera rig. And post prossesing stack was used in camera eye. Cannot debug it because there are no any error or warning message. Just when I look up the camera moves left and when look down the camera moves right. I want to know whether this is a harware failure or any issue caused by a script. 

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If everything looks fine in the compositor before you run your app then it's a script. 

While running in the Unity editor, find the Camera (head) and look at the inspector to see the transform change in real time - you should easily see if the values are moving correctly or not, you can pause and slide through the values as well to confirm x and y rotations are correct.





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