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One Base Station 1.0 Blinking Red


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I wanted to play with my Vive Cosmos Elite again so I set everything up and noticed that one base station was blinking red. I did not have any problems when I played VR around 1 year ago so I am not sure what could have broke while the base stations sat in my original box. One base station is on b and one is on c. I have tried unplugging and replugging the faulty base station and it turns green at the start but then changes to a blinking red. I can see all the dots in the faulty base station and I believe that it shows up in the SteamVR devices menu. I have not tried to test the playroom to see if I can see both base stations though. Maybe it is a visual glitch and the base station is working fine?
I have also moved the base stations around and I read on the HTC website that I should not do this or it will mess up the tracking. Can moving the base stations also mess up the syncing?


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