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Everything posted by alwyuyang

  1. Here is part of the source code in SRanipal_EyeData.cs, but regarding the VerboseData, I don't understand what is the "CombinedEyeData" because it also contains a "SingleEyeData" . public struct VerboseData { /** A instance of the struct as @ref EyeData related to the left eye*/ public SingleEyeData left; /** A instance of the struct as @ref EyeData related to the right eye*/ public SingleEyeData right; /** A instance of the struct as @ref EyeData related to the combined eye*/ public CombinedEyeData combined; public TrackingImprovements tracking_improvements; } public struct CombinedEyeData { public SingleEyeData eye_data; public bool convergence_distance_validity; public float convergence_distance_mm; } As we have already obtained the single eye data of the left and right eyes, what is the "SingleEyeData eye_data" inside the CombinedEyeData? Is it an average of the left and right eye data, seems confusing? Thank you in advance and sorry for the annoying questions. @imarin18 @Daniel_Y @Corvus
  2. public struct SingleEyeData { /** The bits containing all validity for this frame.*/ public System.UInt64 eye_data_validata_bit_mask; /** The point in the eye from which the gaze ray originates in meter miles.(right-handed coordinate system)*/ public Vector3 gaze_origin_mm; /** The normalized gaze direction of the eye in [0,1].(right-handed coordinate system)*/ public Vector3 gaze_direction_normalized; /** The diameter of the pupil in meter miles*/ public float pupil_diameter_mm; /** A value representing how open the eye is.*/ public float eye_openness; /** The normalized position of a pupil in [0,1]*/ public Vector2 pupil_position_in_sensor_area; public bool GetValidity(SingleEyeDataValidity validity) { return (eye_data_validata_bit_mask & (ulong)(1 << (int)validity)) > 0; } } Here is the source code of the SingleEyeData, but I don't know how to run GetValidity(SingleEyeDataVadity validity). What is the input variable validity? I can easily access to the property of SingleEyeData through: eye.data.gaze_origin_mm, but when it comes to GetValidity, I don't know which is the input. Could you please do me a favor? @imarin18 @Daniel_Y@kbombeke Thank you in advance.
  3. with ViveSR.Error error = SRanipal_Eye_API.GetEyeData(ref data); I get error implying that "NOT INITIAL", what does it mean? @Corvus @Daniel_Y @zzy
  4. Hello, I am using the attached scripts to log my eye data with vive pro; however when the user is detected, I didn't get updated eye data for each timestamp. Anyone knows the reason? The scripts were attached to the same game object. From left to right( a detail explanation was given in the code) : Time.time, unixTime, unity3d frame count , timestamp, frame_sequence, no_user, verbose_data.right.pupil_diameter_mm,.. 4,463005. 1581521362,642. 0. 2034174. 5856. True. 4,223083. 0,05946324. 34,59949. 1,743484. -41,28214. -0,01016235. -0,3304138. 0,9437714. 0,420842. 0,7114134 4,463005. 1581521362,847. 1. 2034174. 5856. True. 4,223083. 0,05946324. 34,59949. 1,743484. -41,28214. -0,01016235. -0,3304138. 0,9437714. 0,420842. 0,7114134 4,483005. 1581521362,86. 2. 2034174. 5856. True. 4,223083. 0,05946324. 34,59949. 1,743484. -41,28214. -0,01016235. -0,3304138. 0,9437714. 0,420842. 0,7114134 4,494838. 1581521362,866. 3. 2034174. 5856. True. 4,223083. 0,05946324. 34,59949. 1,743484. -41,28214. -0,01016235. -0,3304138. 0,9437714. 0,420842. 0,7114134 4,504498. 1581521362,876. 4. 2034174. 5856. True. 4,223083. 0,05946324. 34,59949. 1,743484. -41,28214. -0,01016235. -0,3304138. 0,9437714. 0,420842. 0,7114134 where the data of yellow fonts comes from unity3d internal functions while the red fonts come from the vive pro eye API. You can see that Vive eye keeps the same out during the loop. Why? I attach also the output of eye data. Thank you in advance if you could give me a hand. Best regards, Sample_MainThread.cs Sample_GetDataThread.cs leftEyeData.txt outFromThread.txt rightEyeData.txt combinedEyeData.txt
  5. I tried with that code, but I cannot close my application when it should be closed( like crash) . Do you have any updated version which can overcome this problem? Thank you very much. @Corvus
  6. I used this code, but I cannot close my application when it should be closed. Could you please give me a hand? @Daniel_Y @VIVE_Jason_Lu
  7. Why don't you create a subthread to read and send the data so that to have the data with 120 Hz? Did you try that (I fail to do that because I don't know how to manage the thread in Unity3d). Thank you if you have any ideas.
  8. I build my application for VIVE eye pro, however I see nothing from the HMD monitor and everything is displayed on PC screen. I try to oscillate the HMD to check if it is in tracking, and I found that the movement of the HMD doesn't affect what was displayed on PC screen. The HMD display shows light and there is no bug reported by SteamVR and Wireless connection. In addition, I cannot see VR Home scene which is supposed to be launched by SteamVR. Anybody can solve the problem? Best regards, @VibrantNebula
  9. Thanks for sharing the script which is the same to mine. Actually I have the same problem. I think we are looking for an equivalent "Update() function of Vive Eye" which can run automatically in 120 Hz, right? This is the problem we have no idea. @Daniel_Y @zzy @Corvus
  10. Could you upload the script how do you create the thread , read and write the eye data?
  11. Is this the alternative "Sample_GetDataThread.cs", could you please add the "Sample_MainThread.cs". I don't understand " public Action<EyeData> NewOffThreadEyeDataAction; private EyeData EyeData = new EyeData(); ", which are different to the version before. Could you explain a little bit, thank you very much.
  12. Dear @imarin18, Have you solved the question? I have the same confusion but don't know how to understand the running mechanism inside vive pro eye. Thank you if you could share:) @Corvus @Daniel_Y @zzy
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