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  1. Hello again, I managed to get this working now. As soon as I set up the controllers for the Vive Pro it worked fine. -Steve
  2. Hi @reneeclchen, What is the process of doing this now for SRWorks 0.9.3? -Steve @Daniel_Y
  3. Hi all, I cannot get the SRWorks SDK working with Unity 2017. I have enabled the camera in SteamVR settings (however the interface looks different from here: https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-pro-srworks-sdk-qa/). I have enabled:"Enable Camera", "Show Camera on Controller", "Show Camera on Room Edge", "Enable Room View". "Start test" shows the camera image fine and passes. My directory structure is as follows: SteamVR SteamVR_Input SteamVR_Resources StreamingAssets ViveSR ViveSR_Experience (I have imported the SRWorks unity plugin, SRKWorks Unity Experience and Steam VR from the asset store). When I try to run any scene text appears in the game view "SRWorks Plugin Initial Fail: I am running on Windows 10 and I have an RTX 2070 Super. Errors/Warnings: [SteamVR Interaction]</b> Hand is on default layer. This puts unnecessary strain on hover checks as it is always true for hand colliders (which are then ignored). UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object) Valve.VR.InteractionSystem.<Start>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/SteamVR/InteractionSystem/Core/Scripts/Hand.cs:822) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [SteamVR Interaction]</b> Hand is on default layer. This puts unnecessary strain on hover checks as it is always true for hand colliders (which are then ignored). UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object) Valve.VR.InteractionSystem.<Start>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/SteamVR/InteractionSystem/Core/Scripts/Hand.cs:822) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [SRWorkModule] Initial SEETHROUGH : -1 UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:InitialModule() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:163) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:StartFramework() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:137) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:Start() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:67) [ViveSR Experience] ViveSR initial fail. Quitting Game UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Vive.Plugin.SR.Experience.<_CheckViveSRStatus>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/ViveSR_Experience/Scripts/ViveSR_Experience_Initialization.cs:56) [SRWorkModule] Release SEETHROUGH : 0 UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:StopFramework() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:146) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:OnDestroy() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:117) [SRWorkModule] Release SEETHROUGH4K : 0 UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:StopFramework() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:146) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:OnDestroy() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:117) [SRWorkModule] Release CONTROLLER_POSE : 0 UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:StopFramework() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:146) Vive.Plugin.SR.ViveSR:OnDestroy() (at Assets/ViveSR/Scripts/ViveSR.cs:117) @Daniel_Y @Corvus
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