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Blog Comments posted by dario

  1. Just to help clarify some open questions re: Wave SDK and VIU:

    VIU wraps the calls to the Wave SDK APIs when targeting Wave, likewise for other SDKs like SteamVR or OVR, it also wraps those and additionally it'll fall back to using Unity XR APIs which still works.

    If you choose to work with Unity's XR Interaction  toolkit - there's no extra Wave SDK APIs you have to code to - just include the Interaction support to make sure controller input works and follow Unity's tutorials. Also see detailed tutorials on this site for getting started with XRI:


    Also Essence isn't another SDK/toolkit - there's only one Wave SDK broken into 3 pieces, the core, the native (low level Android APIs) and Essence which includes everything else from previous versions include tools and integrations for other toolkits like the XR Interaction integration support and additional samples





  2. Porting from Quest (or other devices) to the Focus Plus with Unity: (Intro)

    First, please strongly consider using VIU even if using another toolkit*

    - replace your existing camera and controller rigs with the corresponding ViveRig in all of your scenes.

    This should get you most of the way there unless you did not abstract your code enough from other toolkits.

    * If you used other toolkits e.g. VRTK, MRTK, Oculus SDK, SteamVR Interaction toolkit or even the new early preview of XRI from Unity, you should be able to replace the main hmd and controller "rigs" with the corresponding VIU prefabs and still port back to many platforms using the platform porting feature of VIU (which includes porting back to Quest with the same code base). 

    If you didn't abstract your code enough from the toolkits or if you are using components from the toolkits (libraries) that are strongly tied to the toolkits input layer, then you may have to modify some of those components to be able to accept poses from VIU. You can also modify VIU components to pass on the pose information to the components from other toolkits.

    • Interactables (for grabbing) are replaced with the equivalent Grabbables for VIU..
    • For teleporting, add a teleportable to the floor or on objects you will teleport to (make sure to pass into the inspector the ViveRig origin and the camera from the ViveRig)..
    • Please see the ControllerManagerSample.cs script in ViveRig prefab for reference on how to mange controller.input, hide controllers on grab, etc. 

    Note: the complexity of the port relies on how you abstracted your code form third party toolskits as well on how much you relied on third party libraries or components strongly linked to those toolkits.

    If you have any questions please post on the VIU forum here:


  3. @VRVision The short answer is yes, one of the benefits of using the VIU Unity plugin is that you can select or use the target platform to select the controller models - it includes most controllers for most platforms supported and you can add a custom material or shader to modify the white default models. You can easily select the models for the simulator to use so you can test.

    At runtime you have several choices, if targeting SteamVR (OpenVR) PC based controllers you can allow the Steam runtime display the natively supported models with animation - simply include the SteamVR Unity plugin.  

    To add your own model (or modified default model supplied) you can simply child the model to the corresponding controller or at runtime you can enable your model as shown when you use the ViveRig prefab - (press grip buttons to display a custom model). See the Controller Manager Sample C# script to see how that's done (and the hierarchy of the controller objects).

    Again, check out the simulator which allows you to test controller interactions - this simulator allows fine tuning your controller interactions without the longer cycle of testing in a headset.

    If you want to show natively available controller models at runtime (not necessarily using VIU) see:


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