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  1. Hello, I think there still is an issue with GetGazeRay in the Unreal SDK. The following two posts already address this issue and there is a fix now in the version i am using (SDK-v1.3.3.0) and this fix is based on the bug fix suggested in the first post (Gaze origin bug in GetGazeRay of Unity package). This means the x-direction is just multiplied by -1: origin.x *= -1; // Adding this line fixes the bug direction.x *= -1; Now the issue is that this fix works fine for Unity since the coordinate system is a left-handed, Y-Up coordinate system (see also: A Guide to Unity’s Coordinate System (With Practical Examples) – techarthub ). However, Unreal is a left-handed, Z-Up coordinate system. This means that the fix for Unity is not valid for Unreal which i can confirm based on my own observations. So the fix for the direction in Unreal would simply be: direction.Y *= -1; Furthermore, for the origin of the eyes the SRanipal SDK uses a right-handed coordinate system: in SRanipal_Eyes_Enums.h /** The point in the eye from which the gaze ray originates in millimeters.(right-handed coordinate system)*/ FVector gaze_origin_mm; is used in SRanipal_Core.cpp origin = singeEyeDatas[(int)gazeIndex].gaze_origin_mm / 1000; ... CovertToUnrealLocation(origin); The ConvertToUnrealLocation(origin) translates the SDK coordinate system to the Unreal coordinate system but still the values along the Unreal y-axis are flipped. That is why i also included this: origin.Y *= -1; So my complete fix looks like this: origin = singeEyeDatas[(int)gazeIndex].gaze_origin_mm / 1000; direction = singeEyeDatas[(int)gazeIndex].gaze_direction_normalized; // direction.X *= -1; is the fix for the origin bug in Unity. However, Unreal uses a different coordinate system. // that is why line direction.X *= -1; is commented //direction.X *= -1; CovertToUnrealLocation(origin); ApplyUnrealWorldToMeterScale(origin); CovertToUnrealLocation(direction); origin.Y *= -1; direction.Y *= -1; Please, just tell me if that is correct or if i am missing something here... (or i am just repeating a post i did not find 🙂 ) Thank you!
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