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Yuuya Masada

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Everything posted by Yuuya Masada

  1. The bulky hands rotation is off, but did you try the 5 finger hand?
  2. @amata_takeda You are correct. You can upload a ZIP without VIVEPORT SDK to VIVEPORT. This game can only be downloaded from VIVEPORT and only can be played when user is LOGGED IN to VIVEPORT (DRM protection). (same for Infinity members, they can only download previously purchased OR viveport infinity titles and MUST be LOGGED IN to play) はい、おっしゃる通りです。 VIVEPORT SDKを含まないビルドZIPをそのまま、アップロードいただくことができます。 VIVEPORTのみでダウンロード可能で、ユーザーがVIVEPORTにログインしている時にしか遊べません(VIVEPORT側のDRM管理)。 (インフィニティも同様です、インフィニティユーザーはログインしている時にだけ、購入済み・またはインフィニティタイトルがダウンロードできます)
  3. @amata_takeda I mentioned in email also, here are points for releasing: 1. The DRM protection regarding Infinity users is done by VIVEPORT application. Therefore, you do NOT need VIVEPORT SDK implementation. A-2 is controlled by VIVEPORT. You do not need to program anything. It is possible to test beta applications against different types of user accounts. You can add different e-mails to the access list. However, you do not need to test Infinity subscribers, as this should not be an implementation on software. VIVEPORT SDK is only needed if you want features such as: Stats, Achievements, and Leaderboards In-App Purchases DLC management DRM compatibility options and more. var userStatus = Subscription.GetUserStatus(); is for features such as above DLC management. It is not for Infinity. メールでもご案内させていただきましたが、以下がポイントになります。 1. インフィニティユーザーに対するDRM管理はVIVEPORTアプリ自体が行っているため、VIVEPORT SDKに導入は不要です。 A-2はVIVEPORTが管理しています。プログラム不要です。。 アカウント種類別のベータテストは可能です。βアクセスリストにそれぞれ登録種類が異なるものを追加すればいいということですが、インフィニティに関しては上記のため、確認が不要です。 VIVEPORT SDKは以下の時にのみ必要なツールです: ユーザー成績、アチーブメント、スコアボードの記録 アプリ内課金 DLC管理 DRMオプション 他 var userStatus = Subscription.GetUserStatus();は上記のDLC管理のためであり、インフィニティ管理のためではありません。
  4. @amata_takeda I think two situation is mixed up, please let me clarify two situation is possible. A. YOUR TITLE IS SOLD ON STOREFRONT ONLY (not on Infinity) 1) Non-Infinity user cannot play your game until they BUY your game. 2) Infinity subscribed user cannot play your game until they BUY your game. (This part is related to your question) B. YOUR TITLE PARTICIPATES IN INFINITY PROGRAM 1) Non-Infinity user cannot play your game until they BUY your game. 2) Infinity subscribed user CAN play your game. (Previously Buy or Not Buy does not matter) Your game will first the A, then later become B situation. Next, according to your question, your game status is A. During this situation, a non-Infinity user buys a game (A-1). Then, the user becomes an Infinity subscriber (A-2). Because the user has ALREADY purchased your game, they can continue to play. Infinity program does not cancel any previous purchases. アプリの状態とユーザーの状態を以下にまとめました。 A. 御社タイトルがVIVEPORTストアで販売されている(INFINITY不参加) 1) 通常ユーザーは御社タイトルを購入しないと遊べません 2) インフィニティユーザーは御社タイトルを購入しないと遊べません(こちらがご質問に関係するかと存じます) B. 御社タイトルがVIVEPORTインフィニティに参加している 1) 通常ユーザーは御社タイトルを購入しないと遊べません 2) インフィニティユーザーは御社タイトルをすぐに遊べます(購入履歴は関係ありません) 販売開始時はAを想定し、後からBに移行するという認識です。 そして、ご質問の場合のユーザーの状態はA-2とB-2の両方に該当します。 インフィニティユーザーは御社タイトルを既に購入しているので、遊べるということになります。 インフィニティに登録することで、購入履歴が消去されることはありません。
  5. @VibrantNebula thanks we are in touch. There is some confusion of VIVEPORT SDK necessity and the DRM features whether it is something developers need to implement into their code when applying for Infinity program. My understanding is Infinity is already controlled by client side on VIVEPORT, so VIVEPORT app will decide whether a user is subscribed or not and whether they can download a game or not. So, literally the checkmark should suffice to enter/leave subscription program. Meanwhile, VIVEPORT SDK DRM compatibility options are for IAP and DLC content verification. I hope this is correct.
  6. 2020-04-04 20-35-26_Trim level insane impossible.mp4 Thanks to your team's hard work, controller tracking response has improved and Beat Saber is playing quite well. I am able to complete all main Vol 1-3 songs at Expert+ at over A or above, except one song. There is one unique song that requires more horizontal movements on both hands. As you can see in the video, the controller lags behind when there is a wide left-right movement and especially when both hands need to do it. It's a long enough lag that makes the song impossible to complete. Thanks, and looking forward to the next update!
  7. I don't play shooters, but the rifle tip is definitely more stable. Hand cross-over is still sticky, so we hope to keep seeing great improvements. Here is vs on Boneworks.
  8. Hello I have 2 questions: 1. How can I disable controller pairing popup for a VIVEPORT Streaming situation. No androidmanifest to disable controller input. I believe there was a setting in More Settings>Developer Settings, but somehow I cannot find? 2. How can I get a the special s/n code that can only be obtained for Kiosk Mode? I would like a workaround to manually modify cota config file to test/demo on devices that are not in my account. 3. Why is Kiosk Mode manual pdf link not working on most pages and Enterprise Platform?
  9. Sorry no, it is not Cosmos Play. It is Cosmos. This application simplifies the texture, so I can understand it looks like Play. You can still see the top and bottom cameras 🙂
  10. Here's a bunch of gameplay from Boneworks on I agree still some issues with the rifle action. It is difficult to aim. Otherwise everything else is great. Played two hours and almost got dizzy jumping and running around. I love how Boneworks uses capacitive touch on some of the buttons.
  11. Did some testing over the weekend. 3 hours+ on Beat Saber: Tracking response was so much better, I was able to get higher scores than I used to even above VIVE Pro. (There may have been some skill improvement...?) I had not compared to VIVE Pro at this time. Regardless, while last update still wasn't enough to play some expert+ songs, this update is now 99% for this game, some rare tracking errors for extreme movements, but it undistinguishable between player error. Well enough for an average gamer. The 3 hours of gameplay was SUPER FUN. 1% improvement will be for the competitive gamers aiming for full combos. 1 Hour Avatar recording: On the other hand, it seems the lower hand movement skipping (due to better response?) is more pronounced and it was harder to control my hands jumping around using Virtual Cast. I had to edit out a lot of the hand jumping, and you can still see some of it in the final video. However, I can note that the environment is not the best since my small deskspace had bright ceiling lights and a bright iMac in front of the VIVE Cosmos.
  12. Part 2 and Part 3 is now available. PART 2: VRシーンにリアルな音響効果(Audio Decay/Audio Occlusion/Room Effect)を作る方法 簡単なVRシーンにAudio Decay/Occlusion/RoomEffectを追加する方法を紹介します。 追加するSDKの機能は以下です。 テレビから出る音が離れると小さくなる(オーディオディケイ) 部屋から出ると音が遮蔽される(オーディオオクリュージョン) リビングルームらしい反響音を再現(ルームエフェクト) PART 3: 完成!リアルな3D空間音響が体験できるVRキャビンハウス 作ったVRシーンに更に体験要素を追加し、リアルな空間音響を再現したキャビンハウスを完成させます。 音源と動線に影響しそうな壁全てにOcclusion バスルームに強めなリバーのかかったRoom Effect キャビン外に自然音を設置し音にDecay
  13. Explanations of the SDK in Japanese just in case non-English speaking users find this forum. Unity対応のVIVE Sense 3DSP SDKで簡単にVRコンテンツに3D空間音響を作り込むことができます! 単に音源の方向を再現するだけではなく、広い範囲で空間音を再現することでバーチャル空間が更にパワーアップします。 PART 1: VIVE 3DSP SDK PART 1: Unityに3D空間音響を簡単に導入する方法(VIVE COSMOS対応) 今回の配信では3DSPインストール方法と以下の特徴について紹介しています。 球調和関数の高次手法(Higher Order Ambisonics) 頭部伝達関数 (HRTF) ハイレゾ音源の再生(Support for Hi-Res audio source files and playback) 距離知覚の効果(Acoustic distance effect) また、VIVE Cosmosのコントローラーの対応方法も含まれています。 Part 2 and Part 3 COMING SOON... VIVE 3DSP SDKのダウンロードサイトはこちら: https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-3dsp-sdk-2/ コンテンツ開発の加速化、高性能デバイスの最適化、VIVEPORT ストア上での配信をご検討中の開発者様に、それぞれのニーズに合わせた SDK を提供しています。 VIVE でコンテンツ開発を始めよう! VIVE Sense SDKダウンロードはこちら:https://developer.vive.com/resources/pc-vr/ HTC VIVEについて: https://www.vive.com フォローは Twitter @ VIVEJAPANSUP とFacebook @ VIVEJAPAN
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