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Status Replies posted by C.T.

  1. GYT

    GYT    C.T.



  2. Can I please get access to the Aruco code generator?

    Thanks, Ronnie

  3. PSCR

    PSCR    C.T.

    Hello I'd like to request access to the ArUco Marker Generator page download: (https://forum.htc.com/topic/13535-app-marker-setting-generator-for-aruco-marker-update-on-113/).

    1. C.T.


      try again. thanks


  4. yumak

    yumak    C.T.

    Hi @C.T.

    I am Yuma Kasahara, and I am a researcher of Human Computer Interaction.

    I want to access to VIVE ArUco Marker Generator on the VIVE Community Forum ( https://forum.htc.com/topic/13535-app-marker-setting-generator-for-aruco-marker-update-on-113/ ).

    This information is crucial for me to accomplish my research on Mixed Reality.

    If possible, please give me access to the page.

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

    Best regards,
    Yuma Kasahara

  5. Hi, I need access to VBC to setup the device, thank you!

    1. C.T.


      we are transitioning our VBC services to VB+ now, please check https://business.vive.com/us/solutions/business-plus/ for more detail. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hello, I'm writing here to ask you about being able to access the hidden business section for LBE development as well as the ArUco marker generation on the forum.

    I don't know if there is some other access that's needed for this kind of LBE development, but our team will appreciate if you can take your time to give us access.

    Thanks in advance and have a nice day 🙂

    The Brainstorm team.

    1. C.T.


      try again, it should work now

  7. Hi! The VIVE ArUco Marker Generator is not avaiable at mentioned URL https://forum.htc.com/topic/13535-app-marker-setting-generator-for-aruco-marker-update-on-113/ , how can it be downloaded? Thanks!

    1. C.T.


      Who’s your contact for LBS services? 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi! The VIVE ArUco Marker Generator is not avaiable at mentioned URL https://forum.htc.com/topic/13535-app-marker-setting-generator-for-aruco-marker-update-on-113/ , how can it be downloaded? Thanks!

    1. C.T.


      I just ✔, 1.5.5 is still there in 7z file format. Can you double check?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi CT

    I would like to use "VIVE ArUco Marker Generator", but I cannot access the following URL

    What should I do?

  10. Hello C.T.,

    Can you please give me access to VBC?

    Thank you .

  11. Hi C.T.,

    would I be able to have access to VBC please!

    Best Regards,

    Gabriel (LLT)

  12. hello


    could you please grant me access to the VBC,


    thank you in advance

  13. Hello, 


    I require access to the VBC can i have it please.


    1. C.T.


      Hi there, I've just granted you access to the section, but we will soon be transitioning our VBC support to VB+. To continue receiving support for LBE services, please contact your sales team in your region.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. May I please have access to the VBC and all of the LBE features that should come with having an LBE license?  Thank you.

    1. C.T.


      You should have access to the latest tool site VADMS if you have been granted the licenses already. 
      Send me an email if you cannot find it still. Thanks 

  15. I don't have permission to reply on this board, did I miss something? I can reply in stream hub sub board tho.

    please consider allow me to reply & edit on this board.


    VIVE XR headset <-> Battery Pack <-> P10 dongle  (earbud working)

    VIVE XR headset <-> Battery Pack <-> P10 dongle <= Power(after dongle pluged and earbud connected)  (earbud working but not charging)

    Power <-> P10 dongle(connect power to P10 first) => Battery Pack <-> VIVE XR headset  (earbud NOT working , but charging)


    1. C.T.


      You may want to verify your email address. cheers. 

      I will forward this symptom to the related team. thanks for letting us know. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. I don't have permission to reply on this board, did I miss something? I can reply in stream hub sub board tho.

    please consider allow me to reply & edit on this board.


    VIVE XR headset <-> Battery Pack <-> P10 dongle  (earbud working)

    VIVE XR headset <-> Battery Pack <-> P10 dongle <= Power(after dongle pluged and earbud connected)  (earbud working but not charging)

    Power <-> P10 dongle(connect power to P10 first) => Battery Pack <-> VIVE XR headset  (earbud NOT working , but charging)


    1. C.T.


      fair enought, I will check the detail. but it seems to me that, it is related to your headset dongle, not our battery pack that's preventing it to function properly. 
      You should also be able to reply, there's no retriction on your account. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

    1. C.T.


      You can DM me via this little box. but it's okay, you should be able to access now. Thanks 


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hello, I am a Chinese user here. I purchased a WIFI6E router, and I also purchased a Foucs3. Foucs3 has been upgraded to the latest firmware, but the 6G option is not found in the Wifi list. (My computer using the WIFI6E network card can find the 6G )
    1. C.T.


      Your local regulator may not open up 6G spectrum yet

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