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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. @zardosch There is sample code in the "Vive-SRanipal-Unity-Plugin.unitypackage" found in the SDK download. There is a folder called "Sample" included.
  2. @alwyuyang Great to hear you got it working. @DustProductions Can you try a clean reinstall and see if that fixes your calibration issue?
  3. @Sara Please do not duplicate posts. You can find out more about the Pro Eye on the store product page and in the SDK documentation.
  4. @DustProductions Thanks for sharing the logs. @alwyuyang & @Nermeen Have you tried the steps in the troubleshooting post? If you're still having issues please post or PM a SteamVR system report and the eye tracking logs. https://forum.vive.com/topic/6482-vive-pro-eye-calibration-initialization-error-troubleshooting/ SteamVR System Report: In SteamVR, go to the Settings > General, click Create System Report, and click Save to File. Eye Tracking Logs: Right click runtime robot notification icon > click Pack log and Save
  5. @zardosch 1. Currently the SRanipal SDK does not have a saccade recognition feature. 2. Please download the SDK and check the included documentation and samples for more information about gaze direction.
  6. @DustProductions Have you tried the steps in the troubleshooting post? If you're still having issues please post a SteamVR system report and the eye tracking logs. https://forum.vive.com/topic/6482-vive-pro-eye-calibration-initialization-error-troubleshooting/ SteamVR System Report: In SteamVR, go to the Settings > General, click Create System Report, and click Save to File. Eye Tracking Logs: Right click runtime robot notification icon > click Pack log and Save
  7. @fayre See this forum post for sample code of getting data at 120hz. https://forum.vive.com/topic/5897-getting-verbosedata-at-the-fastest-rate-possible/?do=findComment&comment=28567
  8. @Nermeen @alwyuyang This step is to position the HMD on the users head. Like the text says "Adjust your headset up and down to fit in the frame". This screenshot looks like the HMD is low on the head and needs to be raised.
  9. @jboss You can find the documentation included with the SDK zip file. Eye Tracking SDK (SRanipal) Documentation can be found in these files (html & PDF): "SRanipal_SDK_1.1.0.1.zip\SRanipal_SDK_1.1.0.1\02_Unity\Document\Eye\Getting Started with SRanipal in Unity Eye.pdf" "SRanipal_SDK_1.1.0.1.zip\SRanipal_SDK_1.1.0.1\02_Unity\Document\Eye\html\index.html"
  10. @JPalmer8 It looks like you have the dashboard button in the screenshot you shared. Can you describe the issue you're experiencing and share your system specs?
  11. @asv4k8 Have you tried the troubleshooting steps found here: https://forum.vive.com/topic/6482-vive-pro-eye-calibration-initialization-error-troubleshooting/
  12. @developer Currently you can only download the data with the API.
  13. @Djangi Currently the documentation is only available with the SDK download.
  14. @BouwDEVCake 1. I'm unsure whether to select "Vive/OpenVR" or "Mobile VR" content. Select "Mobile VR" to support Mobile VR devices such as the Pico and Vive Focus. Vive/OpenVR is for desktop applications. 2. Later on in the submission process, I'm also required to list the supported headsets, but Pico 2G 4K is not an option. For Mobile VR submissions you will use the Wave SDK and setup an android manifest with the apps hardware support (i.e. 3DoF vs 6DoF, controllers, etc.). For PC submissions you will manually check the boxes for supported headsets. https://forum.vive.com/topic/6959-wave-android-manifest-guide/ 3. Also, Is it required to use one of the SDK's mentioned above to do submit our app in Viveport? Yes, please use the Wave VR SDK for submitting content to Viveport M. 4. Once uploaded and available, will it be possible for the installed application (built directly from the Unity) to replace (i.e. update) the existing application, as long as the bundle ID's match? Yes, updates will replace existing applications as long as the package name and signed keys match. 5. In addition to the above, I'm also unsure to select the runtime WAVE, Cardboard or Link. As stated before, I'm currently using neither. Please use the Wave VR SDK and Wave runtime for submitting content to Viveport M. 6. Also, I would prefer the device to launch the application in Kiosk mode. This would require the bundle ID and main activity to be "com.picovrtob.vrlauncher", according to http://static.appstore.picovr.com/docs/KioskMode/chapter_two.html#androidmanifest-xml-modification. Is this still possible when downloading from the application? You will have to reach out to Pico or test this out since I don't currently have a G2 4K available to test and confirm.
  15. @BouwDEVCake You will need to integrate the Wave VR SDK in your project if you would like to distribute via the Viveport M (Mobile VR) store. https://developer.vive.com/resources/documentation/viveport-submission-guide/
  16. @Djangi You can get the pupil diameter with the "pupil_diameter_mm" api. More information is available in the SDK documentation. float ViveSR.anipal.Eye.SingleEyeData.pupil_diameter_mm
  17. @hina You should not modify the camera FOV since this will cause severe motion sickness. Best practice is to use a separate camera, with lower resolution, with desired FOV and render to a texture placed in front of the main VR camera.
  18. @Lucky VR Inc. Yes, you can check the Viveport Infinity subscription status with the subscription api. https://developer.vive.com/resources/documentation/viveport-sdk/apis/subscription-api/
  19. @alwyuyang Please see this thread for a sample of reading data at 120hz with threads: https://forum.vive.com/topic/5897-getting-verbosedata-at-the-fastest-rate-possible/?do=findComment&comment=26428
  20. @PheonixLab Have you accepted the EULA and tried to calibrate via the SteamVR compositor menu?
  21. @mrk88 SRanipal SDK does not have events for saccade detection. You can use the "Focus" function for object fixation detection.
  22. @JeanSmall @Pixel66 FYI, the SRWorks v0.9.0.3 SDK is available to public download now: https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-srworks-sdk/ This is the release that everybody is referencing above.
  23. @avi With the SRanipal SDK you need to use the "GetVerboseData" function for pupil data.
  24. @Djangi For the Tobii XR SDK questions you need to reach out to Tobii directly or maybe @Brand can assist you. We do not have official latency specs to share. There was some independent results shared on the forum you can find here but the latency and filters have improved with the v2 version available with the "SR_runtime v1.1.2.0 " release. https://forum.vive.com/topic/5970-pro-eye-unsuitable-for-research-data-super-heavily-filtered-during-fixation/?do=findComment&comment=27437
  25. @Djangi I'm happy to help you out and answer these questions. Let me know if you need any more information or details. What is the difference between Vive Eye Tracking SDK (SRanipal) and the tobii xr sdk. While tobii published a clear api reference, I can't find something similar about SRanipal - Feel free to download the SRanipal SDK and the api documentation is included with it. The main differences have to do with pricing, access to raw camera images, and licensing terms where the Tobii SDK requires a special license for analytics usages. https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-sranipal-sdk/ Are there events that indicate the start and end of saccadic eye movement or are is the prefabricated code available to measure this? - No, the SRanipal SDK does not provide functions for eye saccades. How does does the data flow work from the integrated eye tracker into unity, is all raw data available in Unity or do I get data that is filtered for in game performance. Also, is the data directly fed into the unity plugin or does it run through external software like with other professional tobii products. - You will get filtered data in Unity via the SRanipal Runtime software. If I want to record data from offline analysis, or do I have build some sort of logger or is there a function in the sdk. Also, is the eye tracking data only available in the plugin or can I also access it externally in windows. - There is no function in the SDK but there are samples available on the forums. Please check this link to see an example of recording the data at 120hz. https://forum.vive.com/topic/5897-getting-verbosedata-at-the-fastest-rate-possible/?tab=comments#comment-26428 I've recently read an article on slippage: https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-019-01307-0 The Tobii glasses seem to perform better than the competition in this matter, I'm wondering how far this issue is effecting the HTC Vive Pro Eye. - I will review this article, thanks for sharing it. FYI, we have partnered with Tobii for the eye tracking and SDK so should expect similar performance. This question might seem a bit naive. Is there an active HTC Vive Pro Eye and/or VR Eye tracking community. So far I've only encountered the Pupil labs discord(which is not very active), the tobii xr support forum and this forum. I hope there are more sources out there. - Eye tracking and VR eye tracking are still relatively new technology and niche communities. If you find any more useful communities or resources please feel free to share them here. 😃
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