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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. @maple Please download the eye tracking SDK and review the samples provided inside of the download package.
  2. @Asish Please reach out to Tobii directly for further information on the license and details.
  3. @Asish The VIVE Eye Tracking SDK (sranipal) does not provide access to the raw camera eye images. Feel free to reach out to our partner Tobii about their license and access to the images.
  4. @Asish Here is Unity sample code to check for blinking. You can adjust the blinkLimit if desired (0 fully closed, 1 fully open). private static float blinkLimit = 0.1f; private static float leftOpen, rightOpen; public static bool IsBlinking() { // check both eyes open if (IsWinkingLeft() && IsWinkingRight()) return true; else return false; } public static bool IsWinkingLeft() { SRanipal_Eye.GetEyeOpenness(EyeIndex.LEFT, out leftOpen); if (leftOpen < blinkLimit) return true; else return false; } public static bool IsWinkingRight() { SRanipal_Eye.GetEyeOpenness(EyeIndex.RIGHT, out rightOpen); if (rightOpen < blinkLimit) return true; else return false; }
  5. @hosh Make sure you have set the shadow quality level for the default quality target. Have you baked your lighting? And what is your graphics api? (project settings > player) Is it set to auto, opengl, or vulkan?
  6. @unikty To disable the positional tracking you can uncheck "Track Position" on the WaveVR_PoseTrackerManager script. You can also override the tracking arena with WaveVR_Arena. https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/WaveVR_PoseTracker.html https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/WaveVR_Arena.html
  7. @vvalan are you using single pass or multi pass rendering?
  8. Hi @hosh The first thing to check would be your projects quality settings (usually they're different for mobile vs pc). Ensure shadows are enabled and shadow distance is suitable.
  9. @intranuclear You will have to also show a permissions dialog for the user to grant the camera permission. For testing you can also enable the camera permission via the app settings or adb.
  10. @mobfish_cai the VIVE Input Utility (VIU) is an option for managing the XR plugins in your project: https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity
  11. @mobfish_cai Thanks for reporting this issue. We'll see if it can be fixed in the next release.
  12. @intranuclear Have you checked the "WaveVRCameraTexture" for an example of handling the camera texture (frames). Also, there is the blueprint "CameraTexture_Blueprint".
  13. @atonalfreerider There is a VIVE Focus ROM update and new Wave SDK update (3.2 beta) that improve permissions request support. Please let us know if this resolves your issue. https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/wave-sdk/
  14. @Fireproof Viveport SDK update v1.7.18 is now available that includes a hotfix for il2cpp errors. Let us know if this resolves your issue, specifically to ensure proper support for your Unity version. https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/viveport-sdk-download/
  15. @pallavi @Azonic The Tobii SDK is not required. Be sure to read and agree to the VIVE eye tracking "SDK License Agreement" and the "SDK Developer Privacy Guideline". https://hub.vive.com/storage/agreement/sdk-license-agreement-05072019-eng.pdf https://hub.vive.com/storage/agreement/sdk-developer-privacy-guideline-05152019.pdf
  16. @vasiliki Please download the eye tracking SDK and review the samples provided inside of the download package.
  17. Yes, the SingleEyeData function will have most of the important data needed.
  18. @nini613 @Asish Please see the other post for response about gaze origin.
  19. @nini613 1. Yes, gaze direction is used to calculate where the user is looking. 2. Yes, gaze origin is the starting point of gaze direction. As shown in the diagram, combined gaze origin is the same as the figure, but notice it's not the same position as the system origin.
  20. @awinte Yes, eye tracking will report data for each eye independently. Please feel free to download the SDK and examine the documentation for further information about SDK functionality. https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-sranipal-sdk/
  21. @atonalfreerider There is an upcoming update for Vive Focus which should fix/allow more extraneous permissions to be accepted in VR. I'm not familiar with the reverse tether but will look into it and the permission you mentioned.
  22. @Spinner Audio Visual When a tracker is assigned the SteamVR role "hold in hand" orientation will change 90°. If you want to have a custom orientation/offset you will want to parent the tracker to another object. If you need further assistance or information I strongly suggest checking out the Virtual Production facebook group which has a very helpful community of industry professionals for the emerging virtual production field.
  23. @AdamStreck @Av Can you clarify what you're trying to do? Are you trying to get a UI element intersection position (local canvas space) from a worldspace coordinate? ui.GetComponent<RectTransform>().InverseTransformPoint(focusInfo.point).ToString();
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