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  1. Delete the WaveVrInput from the Plugins folder, which I think is not compatible with 4.20. Try again. But the best thing you can do is to open the sample project of the new sdk, with what comes by default, without adding the WaveVRInput plugin (only the WaveVr folder and the WVR folder in Thirdparty should be in Plugins, but in the folders where you have installed the engine: For example C: ProgramsFiles / EpicGames / 4.20 / Engine / Source / ThirdParty). With that he must open. Unfortunately, in your project, you will have to access the input commands with the new configuration offered by this new plugin.
  2. This Plugin only works for 4.20. If you have the WVR folder in engine / source / Thirdparty there should be no problem. In case you delete binaries, intermediaries and saved folders from your project and try again to open. If it still does not work, try downloading the SDK again and try again. One thing that I have seen in your photo and that I do not have in my sdk download is the WaveVrInput plugin. Where did you get it from?, that plugin is not in the example project for unreal. Can it be that that is what of the failure?
  3. https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnrealPlugin/UnrealPlugin.html Copy and paste ThirdParty to <Whrere you install your UE4>\Epic Games\UE_4.20\Engine\Source\ThirdParty
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