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Everything posted by Daniel_Y

  1. SR_Runtime needs admin privilege to do certain system configurations.
  2. , 1. Have you tried the pre-built Unity Experience exectuble having same issue? 2. Does the depth function works OK in Experience? 3. Have you re-room setup again having same issue? 4. Are you able to capture and show the image with this mis-match here? Thank you.
  3. What way you see the pass through video in HMD?
  4. Have you check if my system is enabled to support Vive Pro’s SRWorks SDK functionalities followed by https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-pro-srworks-sdk-qa/?
  5. The release is under final verification stage. Coming soon, expecting in these few days.
  6. Firstly, you could verify if the controller's 3D model position could be aligned well with the controller in the camera image.
  7. You can use SetEyeParameter() as defined in SRanipal_Eye.h to tune the filter strength.
  8. SRWorks has moved Cx and Cy to the center of undistorted image. Focal length is provided as well, where fx=fy. yes, distortion coefficients is 0.
  9. SRWorks+SRanipal could work under Unity 2018.1.0f2 with the following steps 1. import SRWorks Unity package. 2 import StreamVR v1.2.3 package and SRWorks Experience if desired. 3. import SRanipal package. (cancel replacing SRWorks_log.DLL)
  10. You need to use undistored image for marker detection. You could refer to the chapter 2 of this book to get the idea of implementation, https://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~damon/photo/,OpenCV/,Mastering_OpenCV.pdf.
  11. SRWorks+SRanipal could work under Unity 2018.1.0f2 with the following steps 1. import SRWorks Unity package. 2 import StreamVR v1.2.3 package and SRWorks Experience if desired. 3. import SRanipal package. (cancel replacing SRWorks_log.DLL)
  12. You could create another thread to polling GetVerboseData at 120 FPS instead of within Update() which is managed by Unity.
  13. Here is a similar question about gaze origin, https://community.viveport.com/t5/Vive-SRanipal-SDK/Vive-Pro-Eye-Finding-a-single-eye-origin-in-world-space/gpm-p/31592#M20.The diagram is updated. The gaze origin is with repect to System Origin. Regarding to pupil position, it represents the pupil position in the camera sesnor. (0,0) means you pupil is at the center of camera sensor. Its main purpose is used to guide you to position your HMD and adjust IPD to have your pupil at the center of camera sensor.
  14. Have you tried to power off/on the HMD via link box again?
  15. Yes, it is supported in v0.8.0.2, so you could see the Vive controller 3D model would be occluded by generated meshes during scanning in Experinece.
  16. A new version will be released by the end of this June which no need to save scanned meshes first.
  17. What calibration you run? From VR dashboard? Please use SRanipal's Unity/Unreal plugin for Vive Pro Eye's content development.
  18. What do you want to do, such as Unity or Unreal?
  19. "Registry" is a known issue. It will be fixed in the next release expected by the end of this June. Regarding non-function, have you checked if your system is able to support Vive Pro’s SRWorks SDK functionalities followed by these steps, https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-pro-srworks-sdk-qa/? Regarding supported version, it needs Unity (5.5.3 or later) and this version doesn’t support SteamVR unity plugins 2.0.1, please download SteamVR unity plugins 1.2.3 package if you needs, https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_plugin/releases/tag/1.2.3
  20. This is an known issue. It will be fixed in the next release expecting by the end of June.
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