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VDA Q&A: The Body VR





​You’ve just been nominated for a Viveport Developer Award. How do you feel?


We are absolutely thrilled to have been nominated! It’s cool to be recognized for creativity in such an embryonic field of technology, where there are no norms or restrictions, and everything is new and constantly changing.


​Where did the idea for The Body VR come from?


We were brainstorming ideas for a VR jam and remembered the episode of The Magic Schoolbus, where Ms. Frizzle took the class on a trip inside Ralphie’s body. We thought it would be an incredible story to experience in VR.


​How big was your team and how long did it take to develop?


It took the five of us about a year to develop. We had two artists, one programmer, one scientist, and an audio engineer working together.


​Tell us something about The Body VR that we wouldn’t know from just experiencing it on Viveport?


It’s probably hard to comprehend the full range of experiences and applications we’re addressing through just one single, specific exposure. We’re interested in entertainment, education, and training across a wide range of human organs and systems, and are providing a spectrum of design, development, and marketing services to do so.



​During the development process, did anything surprise you along the way you didn’t expect?


As we were designing the environments, we were shocked at how much they came to life when we tried them in VR. When we first began giving demos we noticed some people would look up at the environments in awe and completely miss the educational diagrams.


What do you hope people take away from the experience?


Our goal was to show the educational potential of virtual reality, with the hope that we can ignite the curiosity and imagination in people that comes with learning and discovery. VR can take away people’s fears and inhibitions that sometime come from attempting to learn complex subject matter.


​What’s one piece of advice you’d give to other developers?


Embrace the team concept, and be willing to listen and learn from your colleagues. And, be persistent!


The Body VR is available to download from Viveport.


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